1 | 22,066 | 56,059 | sqlite_ext | Provides a convenient way of writing functions in Ruby that can be called from within S... |
2 | 28,147 | 14,778 | client_for_poslynx | A TCP client for Precidia's POSLynxâ„¢ devices |
3 | 48,794 | 76,031 | son_jay | Symmetrical transformation between structured data and JSON |
4 | 64,197 | 28,629 | carton_db | A pure Ruby key/value data storage system where the values may consist of simple data s... |
5 | 81,076 | 26,648 | csvh | A straightforward API to lazily read headers and data rows from CSV, including in cases... |
6 | 100,013 | 76,031 | plaster | Aids conversion of data into or out a concretely modeled structure for transport betwee... |
7 | 102,863 | 35,654 | consensus | A data transfer object that can have lazy attributes. |
8 | 107,286 | 76,031 | no_moss | Keep test subjects and doubles in sync to avoid false positives |
9 | 153,027 | 76,031 | time_scales | Date/Time representations with specific scopes, units, and precisions |