1 | 1,381 | - | busser | Busser - Runs tests for projects in Test Kitchen |
2 | 2,014 | - | solve | A Ruby version constraint solver |
3 | 2,156 | - | test-kitchen | Test Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and ... |
4 | 2,205 | - | berkshelf | Manages a Chef cookbook's dependencies |
5 | 2,223 | - | varia_model | A mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing |
6 | 2,230 | - | buff-extensions | Extensions to Core Ruby classes |
7 | 2,251 | - | buff-shell_out | A mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output |
8 | 2,253 | - | buff-ruby_engine | A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby |
9 | 2,257 | - | buff-config | A simple configuration class |
10 | 2,285 | - | buff-ignore | Parse ignore files with Ruby |
11 | 2,862 | - | chefspec | ChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ... |
12 | 3,102 | - | busser-rspec | A Busser runner plugin for RSpec |
13 | 3,118 | - | minitest-chef-handler | Run minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system. |
14 | 3,171 | - | kitchen-docker | A Docker Driver for Test Kitchen |
15 | 3,210 | - | kitchen-vagrant | Kitchen::Driver::Vagrant - A HashiCorp Vagrant Driver for Test Kitchen. |
16 | 3,277 | - | foodcritic | A code linting tool for Chef Infra cookbooks. |
17 | 3,576 | - | fauxhai-ng | Easily mock out ohai data |
18 | 3,733 | - | berkshelf-api-client | API Client for communicating with a Berkshelf API server |
19 | 3,815 | - | kitchen-ec2 | A Test Kitchen Driver for Amazon EC2 |
20 | 4,369 | - | busser-bats | A Busser runner plugin for Bats |
21 | 4,718 | - | knife-solo | Handles bootstrapping, running chef solo, rsyncing cookbooks etc |
22 | 4,814 | - | kitchen-dokken | A Test Kitchen Driver for Docker & Chef Infra optimized for rapid testing using Chef In... |
23 | 5,556 | - | kitchen-google | A Test-Kitchen driver for Google Compute Engine |
24 | 6,010 | - | knife | The knife CLI for Chef Infra. |
25 | 6,212 | - | em-winrm | EventMachine based, asynchronous parallel WinRM client |
26 | 7,039 | - | guard-foodcritic | Guard::Foodcritic automatically runs foodcritic. |
27 | 7,232 | - | vagrant-omnibus | A Vagrant plugin that ensures the desired version of Chef is installed via the platform... |
28 | 7,482 | - | vagrant-berkshelf | A Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners |
29 | 8,687 | - | kitchen-openstack | A Test Kitchen OpenStack Nova driver |
30 | 9,815 | - | kitchen-digitalocean | A Test Kitchen Driver for Digital Ocean |
31 | 9,986 | - | ubuntu_ami | Retrieves AMI information from Canonical's Ubuntu release list.Also provides a knife pl... |
32 | 10,465 | - | kitchen-azurerm | Test Kitchen driver for the Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM) API |
33 | 15,818 | - | vmware-vra | Client gem for interacting with VMware vRealize Automation. |
34 | 17,273 | - | kitchen-hyperv | Hyper-V Driver for Test-Kitchen |
35 | 17,422 | - | kitchen-nodes | A Test Kitchen Provisioner for Chef Nodes |
36 | 17,442 | - | berkshelf-api | Berkshelf dependency API server |
37 | 17,986 | - | guard-kitchen | Guard plugin for test kitchen |
38 | 18,253 | - | buff-platform | A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby |
39 | 20,299 | - | thor-foodcritic | FoodCritic Thor tasks for your Cookbook projects |
40 | 20,547 | - | kitchen-pester | Skip all that Busser stuff and jump right into Pester. |
41 | 21,015 | - | winrm-transport | [DEPRECATED] Please use the WinRM gem instead. WinRM transport logic for re-using remot... |
42 | 22,062 | - | kitchen-dsc | PowerShell DSC provisioner for test-kitchen |
43 | 23,678 | - | busser-bash | A Busser runner plugin for testing bash scripts |
44 | 27,234 | - | kitchen-vra | A Test Kitchen driver for VMware vRealize Automation (vRA) |
45 | 27,694 | - | berkflow | A CLI for managing Chef Environments using Berkshelf and the Environment Cookbook Pattern. |
46 | 28,131 | - | busser-minitest | A Busser runner plugin for the minitest testing library |
47 | 28,828 | - | reagan | Trust But Verify - Ruby build script for Jenkins that automates the testing of Chef coo... |
48 | 44,132 | - | comrad | Your rad comrade - Sync changes from git to Chef Server via Jenkins |
49 | 45,887 | - | singel | Unified system image creation using Packer |
50 | 77,940 | - | chef_deprecations | A gem to provide a simple way to deprecate gems in chef-workstation. |
51 | 79,962 | - | berkshelf-bzr | A Berkshelf plugin that adds support for downloading Chef cookbooks from Bazaar locations. |
52 | 159,079 | - | supermarketapi | Gem to interact with the Chef Supermarket Restful API |
53 | 164,929 | - | fauxhai-ng-slim | Easily mock out ohai data |
54 | 168,443 | - | fauxhai_generator | Spin up systems in AWS and generate new Fauxhai dumps |
55 | 180,983 | - | cookstyle-ng | Cookstyle is a code linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks by... |