1 | 4,482 | - | switch_point | Switching database connection between readonly one and writable one. |
2 | 8,326 | - | expeditor | Expeditor provides asynchronous execution and fault tolerance for microservices |
3 | 8,921 | - | hako | Deploy Docker container |
4 | 9,712 | - | garage_client | Ruby client library for the Garage API |
5 | 10,051 | - | chanko | Chanko is a Rails extension tool |
6 | 10,807 | - | faml | Faster implementation of Haml template language. |
7 | 10,943 | - | haml_parser | Parser of Haml template language |
8 | 12,881 | - | jsonnet | Wraps the official C++ implementation of Jsonnet |
9 | 14,323 | - | raven-transports-fluentd | Send error logs to sentry via fluentd. |
10 | 14,444 | - | s3_assets_uploader | Upload Rails assets to S3. |
11 | 15,384 | - | barbeque | Job queue system to run job with Docker |
12 | 15,806 | - | blouson | Filter tools to mask sensitive data in various logs |
13 | 16,242 | - | mamiya | Deploy tool using tarballs and serf for lot of servers |
14 | 17,547 | - | acmesmith | Acmesmith is an [ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment)](https://github.co... |
15 | 19,317 | - | rrrspec-client | Execute RSpec in a distributed manner |
16 | 20,128 | - | barbeque_client | Barbeque client for Ruby |
17 | 20,152 | - | queuery_client | Client library for Queuery Redshift HTTP API |
18 | 28,469 | - | akabei | Custom repository manager for ArchLinux pacman |
19 | 30,365 | - | tableau_server_client | REST API Client for Tableau Server. |
20 | 32,559 | - | rrrspec-server | Execute RSpec in a distributed manner |
21 | 32,738 | - | rrrspec-web | Execute RSpec in a distributed manner |
22 | 36,438 | - | rrrspec | Execute RSpec in a distributed manner |
23 | 39,506 | - | fast_haml | Faster implementation of Haml template language. |
24 | 53,237 | - | comic_walker | Client library for ComicWalker |
25 | 66,494 | - | hako-vault | Provide variables from Vault to hako |
26 | 69,360 | - | activerecord-attribute_converter | Transparent conversion for ActiveRecord |
27 | 69,374 | - | gem_collector | Collect gems used by applications |
28 | 76,165 | - | libssh | Ruby binding for libssh. |
29 | 83,908 | - | hako-etcenv | Provide variables from etcd to hako using etcenv |
30 | 105,883 | - | kaede | Scheduler for recpt1 recorder using Syoboi Calendar |
31 | 126,419 | - | activerecord-exception-adapter | ActiveRecord adapter that raises an exception when used |