Mattways's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,429132,035rails_uploadsThis gem has been renamed to just "attachs".
233,27437,537rails_dashPlease use Panel gem instead.
344,36637,537rails_contribThis gem has been renamed to just "tuning".
448,174132,035rails_paginationThis gem has been renamed to just "pageable".
560,261132,035rails_slugsThis gem has been renamed to just "slugs".
667,892132,035rails_i18n_routesThis gem has been renamed to just "translatable_routes".
780,61337,537rails_i18n_recordThis gem has been renamed to just "translatable_records".
8105,64837,537rails_factoryMinimalistic factory to replace fixtures.
9138,509132,035pageableInspired in kaminari and will_paginate but more minimalistic.
10143,08437,537panelMinimalistic and easy to customize panel.