Binz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
137,28115,981diggerDig need stractual infomation from web page.
240,00615,981api_accessSimple wrapper for http get & post.
352,66427,573better_rossROSS is a ruby client for aliyun oss
454,82678,154mongoid-state_bitsMerge multiple boolean fields into one field.
558,20478,154xoauthChinese Social Network Oauth2.0 Implemetation.
681,78178,154my-padrino-sprocketsPadrino with Sprockets
788,02439,, entities, &block)
891,84839,550carrierwave-aliyun-ossAliyun OSS support for Carrierwave
993,55678,154wechat-bot2WeChat Bot for Ruby with personal account
1099,22778,154zan_toolszan code tools
11105,22545,714chinese_sugar1.Chinese words segmentation using Trie and Viterbi;
12111,85378,154mongoid-auto_increase_idMongoid auto increase id
13130,58778,154wkhtmltoimage-x86_64Provides linux and Mac binaries for wkhtmltoimage project in an easily accessible packa...
14160,95078,154mongoid_token_rMongoid token is a gem for creating random, unique tokens for mongoid documents. Highly...