Rgrove's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17765crassCrass is a pure Ruby CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec.
2395381sanitizeSanitize is an allowlist-based HTML and CSS sanitizer. It removes all HTML and/or CSS f...
32,6403,800jsminRuby implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin JavaScript minifier.
45,7736,621cssminRuby library for minifying CSS. Inspired by cssmin.js and YUI Compressor.
520,59458,808larchLarch copies messages from one IMAP server to another. Awesomely.
638,33858,808synchrotronSynchrotron monitors a local directory tree and performs nearly instantaneous one-way s...
782,81240,337crackupCrackup is a pretty simple, pretty secure remote backup solution for folks who want to ...
892,87035,144weldCombines and minifies CSS and JavaScript files at runtime and build time.
9111,10989,538net-flickrFlickr library for Ruby.
10120,89858,808net-amazon-s3Amazon S3 library.