Zokioki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9761,575inky-rbInky is an HTML-based templating language that converts simple HTML into complex, respo...
22,0291,607foundation_emailsFoundation for Emails (previously known as Ink) is a framework for creating responsive ...
32,1743,792foundation-railsFoundation on Sass/Compass
45,7362,746flatpickrFlatpickr packaged for use in Rails projects.
56,34011,772tributeTribute.js @mentions for Rails.
610,3067,944fitbit_apiA Ruby interface to the Fitbit Web API.
728,997102,580spectre_scssSpectre is a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework.
832,55015,984fitbyteA Ruby interface to the Fitbit API, using OAuth2 (renamed to fitbit_api)
954,33426,104milligramMilligram framework's assets packaged into a Ruby gem.
10104,92831,698junA simple web framework inspired by Rails. Not meant for production use.
11127,33057,074holidays_imgA holiday-aware image_tag wrapper.
12133,737102,580usda_fdcA Ruby interface to the USDA FoodData Central API.
13155,54472,252boolioA Ruby interface to the booleans.io API.