Samsm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,04119,602gratBasic interface for making webpages with Haml and Erb. Supports nested templates.
230,84145,066easy-rack-open-idYou supply OpenIDs, this keeps anyone but people with access to those ids from getting ...
330,92736,248openid_mongodb_storeLike the ActiveRecord Store, but for Mongo.
432,24536,248n4jA little spiked out thing.
551,00849,456freebase-importersSome easy importers for Freebase data.
652,01673,500rackifUse or don't use Rack apps based on a variety of environment factors.
752,12473,500rack-static-if-presentNot much to explain. Not a lot of code, but wanted it packaged up for easy use/deployment.
852,315177,849yaptA command line app for navigating Pivotal Tracker. WIP
956,07955,357annalLoads up files. Parses YAML/JSON and other stuff maybe.
1061,96162,515openid_couchdb_storeOpenID store using CouchDB. Right now using Couchrest, will make more flexible later, h...
1166,128177,849diluteA basic ORM-sort of thing for Stretcher.
1270,74162,515mundane-searchMakes everyday search easy-ish.
1386,73888,619matryoshkaMatryoshka is a system for parsing html templates. It merges files based on their posit...
1491,031146,834attribute_columnApply types to attributes for use in form_for, etc.
1596,235112,317rack-ifUse or don't use Rack apps based on a variety of environment factors.
16107,481146,834unified_partialsOffers a standard approach for consistent use of partials to display attributes.
17124,039112,317racceptThis middleware turns Ruby objects that are not acceptable Rack bodies into xml or json...
18137,388112,317extra_doiliesExtra columns for use with the gem table_cloth.
19138,262112,317deep_blameRecursive blame.
20138,519112,317swatheAn abstraction for dealing with common archive tasks.