Cristianbica's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,5097,042cropper-railsThis gem wraps fengyuanchen's cropper to be used inside Rails applications.
213,48310,884activejob-perform_laterTake advantage of Active Job you can perform any class method later.
324,5799,252guard-yarnGuard plugin for YARN. Run yarn whenever package.json changes
465,15825,774cloud-shCloud shell helpers.
567,80789,538lita-standupsLita standups
673,08689,538lita-wizardA lita extension to build wizards
783,96889,538resque-serial-queuesDeclare resque queues serial and jobs in that queue will be run in serial mode
886,32989,538droppperDigitalOcean CLI using DigitalOcean's API v2.
9100,34135,144auth-proxyAuth Proxy App (supports user / pass, oauth2)
10110,88958,808lita-cleverbotLita AI via
11120,18747,536active_job-queryActiveJob::Query allows you query enqueued jobs and cancel jobs.
12134,70489,538dropperA tool to help automate server setup and project deployment.
13149,43758,808azure-ttsText-to-speech gem based using Azure Cognitive Speech Services.
14152,41258,808gem-git-installInstall gem from a git repository. This gem clones the given repo, build the gem and in...