Odlp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,4067,853postrank-uriURI normalization, c14n, escaping, and extraction
212,2107,996simplify_rbYou can use this gem to reduce the number of points in a complex polyline / polygon, ma...
337,67014,969rspec-with_paramsSimple parameterized testing with RSpec (a.k.a table tests)
457,31976,031jet_blackBlack box testing
583,08828,629rspec_overviewSee an overview of your RSpec test suite
688,26545,533skippableSkip a command unless file(s) changed
7100,20076,031redcarpet-render-seeing_is_believingEvaluates Ruby code in your markdown, for awesome examples.
8103,87476,031swiftfakeGenerate test fakes from Swift code.
9110,52740,711factory_bot_variantsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
10116,76676,031insanityRun a command repeatedly to check for differences. Handy for discovering flaky tests or...
11120,63676,031vcr_better_binaryVCR serializer for persisting binary data outside cassettes
12156,64576,031oops_a_rakeWrite Rake tasks with plain Ruby objects
13157,15745,533dotizeDig into a deeply-nested Hash with a dot-delimited string
14159,16245,533dmatrixDocker matrix runner with parallel execution