Coleww's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
143,50178,154twitter_bot_generatorScaffolds a new boilerplate twitter bot project from the command line. By default w...
270,22778,154scrambled_jpega ruby gem for scrambling jpeg/jpg files as though there were eggs.
394,63739,550geeebecause sometimes I type rails g inside my ember project and vice versa
4112,79978,154mrkvgiven an array of source lines, builds a markov chain and generates random sentences.
5113,15178,154on_exactitude_in_scienceAllows user to access the text of 'On Exactitude In Science' by calling a method on any...
6130,25145,714adams_songPatches String class to know whether or not it is a lyric from Adams Song by Blink 182
7140,44557,499computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meowAliases .computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meow to .now, ...
8155,38178,154phishArray#phish: like push, but inserts the element like, oh, just anywhere you want, it's ...