Chendo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,44889,538lifxA Ruby gem that allows easy interaction with LIFX devices.
246,75958,808faetrCollection of nice Ruby object extensions
348,71458,808coraExample description
452,32989,538mdnsmdns allows you to create your own .local hostnames and point them to whatever IP you w...
560,10789,538metlinkrA gem to operate the Metlink journey planner
661,51189,538lifx-httpA HTTP API for LIFX.
784,24958,808dmap-ngAn improved DMAP gem that allows easy building and parsing of DMAP structures
885,58689,538rsynologyA gem to access the API exposed by Synology DSM apps
998,95489,538docstringsdocstrings is a gem that adds the ability to use Python-like docstrings
10102,35047,536yoga_pantsA super lightweight interface to ElasticSearch's HTTP REST API
11121,57358,808response_loggerLogs responses of Net::HTTP requests
12124,20358,808bungeePerforms hot backups and restores of Elasticsearch indexes
13137,93089,538lifx-consolePry-enabled REPL for interacting with LIFX devices. Contains a bunch of useful utilitie...