Johnbackus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,4448,538blockscoreBlockScore makes ID verification easier and faster. See for more.
215,62017,532devtoolsA metagem wrapping development tools
330,22031,463mutestMutation testing for ruby
433,93339,356mutest-rspecRspec integration for mutest
582,693136,605yardcheckVerify that your YARD @param and @return types are correct
690,258136,605blockscore-happymapperObject to XML Mapping Library, using Nokogiri (fork from Damien Le Berrigaud's Happymap...
7128,182136,605activemodel-interdependenceInterdependent model validations
8154,63198,702monkey_catchCatch monkey patching
9158,327136,605cognitoAPI Client for Cognito
10158,87398,702rspec-lintLint RSpec
11160,06825,581openai.rbOpenAI Ruby Wrapper
12172,89898,702jb3If you are not John B, this is probably not for you