Rzane's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,5016,993baby_squeelAn expressive query DSL for Active Record 6+
24,9864,859join_dependencyIf only this were easier...
36,4833,874grape-cancanAuthorize your Grape API with CanCan
410,56233,042request_queueDedupe tasks on a per-request basis
510,56628,629scrapingA DSL for scraping HTML into objects
615,17345,533activerecord-fb-adapterActiveRecord Firebird Adapter for Rails 3 and 4 with support for migrations.
717,87776,031rspec-ramlRSpec matchers for working with RAML.
823,33114,969graphql-extrasA set of modules and types for buildign GraphQL APIs.
932,65126,648snapshot_testingCreate snapshots of your data for simpler testing.
1037,77420,294magic_modelsGenerate models at runtime from a database connection!
1141,78726,648genyThe only tool you need to build a code generator.
1259,68376,031tiny_authIncludes utilities for authentication and password resets.
1366,98456,059sdlA generic schema definition language.
1473,53876,031argyYet another command-line option parser.
1573,80676,031rspec-redoAutomatically rerun RSpec failures using RSpec 3.3.0's built-in --only-failures option
1681,65876,031zendesk_railsA Rails engine to add help desk ticketing using the Zendesk API.
1784,31376,031advancedSearch with objects!
1895,60845,533rack-ramlA mock RAML server for Rack-based applications.
1998,48433,042file_specRSpec helpers and matchers for testing the filesystem.
20108,09445,533dynatable_builderA DSL for generating AJAX tables with sorting/searching/pagination using jQuery Dynatab...
21138,42476,031activerecord-publishablePublish events to Redis when your models change.
22155,16976,031influxdb-metricsTrack metrics for your Rails app with InfluxDB.
23161,91676,031pipeyUtilities for building data pipelines.
24163,28956,059pg_partitionsActiveRecord::Migration utility for creating partitions in PostgreSQL.
25164,93476,031proc_utilsA set of functional utilities for working with callables.
26168,61976,031active_cursorEfficiently iterate through massive collections in your database.