1 | 6,239 | - | easyrsa | Easily generate OpenVPN certificates without needing the easyrsa packaged scripts |
2 | 64,144 | - | vectra | Easily interface with the Vectra API for consuming detections, threats and events |
3 | 69,817 | - | packetnom | PacketNom - Best way to view, consume and replay packets with ruby |
4 | 73,007 | - | slackdraft | Slack messaging with half the Kurt Russell |
5 | 75,994 | - | qualys | Easily interface with the qualys for consuming events |
6 | 109,122 | - | masterbaker | Makes running chef-solo easy. |
7 | 131,052 | - | signalsciences | Easily interface with the Signal Sciences API for consuming events |
8 | 131,353 | - | ipaddress2 | Easily interface with and manipulate IP addresses |
9 | 138,629 | - | bakist | Makes running chef-solo easy. |
10 | 151,326 | - | knoxbox | OpenVPN management tool |
11 | 152,974 | - | knoxbox-web | OpenVPN management tool |