Skatkov's Gems

See profile on Gravatar
#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,0225,106vacuumA wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API
27,1016,693acts-as-taggable-array-onSimple tagging gem for Rails using postgres array.
321,32010,042danger-yamlintA no-dependency Danger plugin to lint yaml files and fixtures
440,6018,352firebase-admin-sdkFirebase Admin SDK for Ruby
541,41720,591pbbuilderGenerate Protobuf Messages with a simple DSL similar to JBuilder
642,39021,630rails_twirpIntegrate Twirp into Rails
748,96521,630danger-rubycDanger plugin to validate syntax for ruby files
857,18750,107carriageGem helps add any number of items to customer's shopping cart and direct him to Amazon ...
957,43721,630jekyll-news-sitemapYour friendly gem to produce Google News sitemap compatible xml file.
1080,36250,107rdoc-markdownRDoc plugin to generate markdown documentation and search index as sqlite database for ...
11135,00750,107peanut_labsSimply library for integration with webiste
12169,41150,107wip_apiMakers unite through API to build more awesomeness!
13170,27131,443yard-markdownyard plugin to generates markdown documentation for gems
14179,95450,107irb-theme-nordNord theme for Reline/IRB