Fernandes's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1851-fog-softlayerModule for the 'fog' gem to support SoftLayer Cloud
21,318-fog-xenserverModule for the 'fog' gem to support XENSERVER.
32,668-reform-railsAutomatically load and include all common Reform features for a standard Rails environm...
430,975-softlayerSoftLayer API Client using SOAP protocoal, supporting all services and models
541,219-activetrailProvide a cool, and seamless, integration between ActiveAdmin and Trailblazer, so you c...
675,824-trailblazer-generatorGenerate trailblazer files from your command file
778,857-araraMaterial Design based theme for Ruby on Rails, using stimulus for JS and ActionView Com...
884,974-reativoMake Rails more reactive
986,039-railsblocks-authDescription of Block::Auth.
1090,602-railsblocks-commonDescription of Block::Common.
11110,582-jacoatHandle JSON-API Hashes as Ruby Objects
12138,573-railsblocks-theme-bootstrapDescription of Theme::Bootstrap.
13153,850-turnip-extra_stepsWanna start writing turn ip features like a boss but you have to write ALL steps for it...
14162,166-railsblocks-themeDescription of Theme.
15166,806-cacoCaco, configure your machines like you develop your web apps
16175,381-pinotClient for Apache Pinot
17176,766-activerecord-pinot-adapterActiveRecord Apache Pinot Adapter
18181,440-douroStreaming to the ocean.
19181,472-portoYour safe port when developing on Ruby on Rails