#842's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1685,978scoped_searchScoped search makes it easy to search your ActiveRecord-based models. It will crea...
217,75038,970the-city-adminRuby gem/plugin to interact with The City Admin API (https://api.onthecity.org). Check ...
328,40138,970validates_as_emailRails gem/plugin that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_...
435,55938,970church-community-builderRuby gem/plugin to interact with the Church Community Builder API. Checkout the project...
541,41238,970fellowshipone-apiRuby gem/plugin to interact with the FellowshipOne API (https://developer.fellowshipone...
654,37538,970shelby-arena-apiRuby gem/plugin to interact with the Shelby Arena API. Checkout the project on github f...
762,36938,970common_project_tasksRails gem/plugin to load common project tasks.
863,74838,970acts_as_dropdownA Rails plugin that adds the ability to easily create an options list out of an ActiveR...
976,25438,970validates_as_phone_numberRails gem that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_phone_n...
10104,28838,970validates_as_postal_codeRails gem that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_postal_...
11115,08738,970oauth_weshaysOAuth Core Ruby implementation
12123,56538,970validates_as_date_timeRails gem/plugin that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_...