Bcook's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8142,170windows_errorThe WindowsError gem provides an easily accessible reference for ...
22,8402,627metasploit-payloadsCompiled binaries for Metasploit's Meterpreter
33,0883,255jsobfuA Javascript code obfuscator
43,1183,239network_interfaceThis gem was originally added to the Metasploit Pcaprub gem. It's been spun out in...
53,1213,067metasploit_data_modelsImplements minimal ActiveRecord models and database helper code used in both the Metasp...
63,2663,177metasploit-credentialThe Metasploit::Credential namespace and its ActiveRecord::Base subclasses
73,3193,318metasploit-modelCommon code, such as validators and mixins, that are shared between ActiveModels in met...
83,3503,425metasploit-concernAutomatically includes Modules from app/concerns//.rb in...
95,0315,264msfrpc-clientThis gem provides a Ruby client API to access the Rapid7 Metasploit RPC service.
105,60972,252rexRex provides a variety of classes useful for security testing and exploit development.
119,8979,026meterpreter_binsCompiled binaries for Metasploit's Meterpreter
1226,98112,857metasploit-erdTraces the belongs_to associations on ActiveRecord::Base descendants to find the minimu...
1327,50719,594metasploit-yardYARD rake tasks used through the metasploit-* gem namespace
1437,145102,580yard-metasploit-erdYARD plugin that uses metasploit-erd to add Entity-Relationship Diagrams to each namesp...
1562,57335,669metasploit-versionMetasploit::Version::Full for deriving String VERSION from constants in Version module ...