Toshimaru's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7973,149rubocop-rails_configRuboCop configuration which has the same code style checking as official Ruby on Rails
24,2844,032jekyll-tocJekyll (Ruby static website generator) plugin which generates a Table of Contents for t...
313,48356,274rack-simple_user_agentRack::SimpleUserAgent is Rack::Request extension which detects user-agent from user-age...
422,55119,315jekyll-tagging-related_postsJekyll `related_posts` function based on tags (works on Jekyll3). It replaces original ...
535,11856,274jekyll-include_sassJekyll include_sass tag is a shorthand tag for including SASS/SCSS file inside head tag...
648,76138,928bundled_gemsInstall gem specified in Gemfile.lock without `bundle install`
761,13956,274ruby-short_urlSmall library for generating tiny URL. Ruby port of python-short_url.
869,29528,457attribute_validationActiveRecord/ActiveModel validation extension which enables attributes validation.
972,31856,274capybara-screenshot_configThis gem is no longer maintained. Easier Capybara screenshot configuration gem.
1073,99056,274redirect_follow_getredirect_follow_get is simple http get method following redirect.
11115,55856,274serverkit-vscodeServerkit plug-in for VSCode.
12118,52856,274kramdown-ampKramdown AMP Converter: kramdown-amp is kramdown converter for AMP. It works as a Jekyl...
13122,42756,274memcacherBetter memcache integration for Rails.
14131,12856,274jekyll-theme-classless-simplejekyll-theme-classless-simple is a Jekyll theme styled with Simple.css, a classless CSS...
15171,94656,274railsdocWIP: Write a longer description or delete this line.