Marshall-lee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1669670grapeA Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
2870659grape-entityExtracted from Grape, A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
311,32120,147sidekiq-postponeBulk-pushes jobs to Sidekiq when you need it to.
414,32715,230capistrano-shellOpens SSH shell on remote host in current release directory
515,59195,592capistrano-fridayYou better stab yourself if you deploy on friday!
635,57995,592sidekiq-bunchLightweight implementation of job bunches.
766,51262,540annNothing special, just method annotations done right!
877,60362,540nested_recordActiveModel mapper for JSON fields
980,67195,592kyotocabinet-ruby-reanimatedKyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simp...
10117,69838,445tricky_signalsEscaping Ruby's Signal.trap!
11139,26895,592rack-with_sequelRack middleware that explicitely acquires a Sequel connection from the pool per request
12151,28195,592descendants_fetcherDynamically fetch subclasses and deep descendants!
13156,29595,592function_objectJust nice callable objects, nothing else