1 | 30,267 | 76,031 | swifty | Supports simple extension for customization of SWIFT message parsing. |
2 | 37,064 | 76,031 | iban-lookup | IBAN Lookup wrapper for iban.com |
3 | 60,954 | 30,156 | dice-roller | A clean way to roll complex dice structures |
4 | 64,953 | 76,031 | rails-for_select | Exposes ActiveRecord::Base.for_select for use with Rails' ActionView::Helpers::FormTagH... |
5 | 65,897 | 76,031 | arctic-vendor | This exposes a series of normal usage endpoints for Vendors to communicate with the Cor... |
6 | 81,381 | 76,031 | hash_extensions | Some common, practical hash hash_extensions |
7 | 112,145 | 76,031 | json-pie | Easily parse JSON:API data structures into ActiveRecord resources.
This will parse dee... |
8 | 113,228 | 76,031 | http-errors | Easy way to raise HTTP errors from your ruby application |
9 | 116,413 | 76,031 | sinatra-extensions | Default, standard sinatra helpers |
10 | 119,465 | 76,031 | rails-action_throttling | Allows request throttling on a per-action basis |
11 | 150,414 | 45,533 | strict-data-uri | En/decodes Data-URI without newlines in the base64 encoded string |
12 | 89,204 | 62,464 | swifty-observer | Observes a folder, calls Swifty hooks upon successfull parsing. |
13 | 163,546 | 76,031 | arctic-ui | This is a wrapper for http interactions with the Arctic e-shop core API,
allowing to ea... |
14 | 163,593 | 76,031 | amazon_feed_validator | Validates your Amazon XML feed files |
15 | 168,459 | 56,059 | cdon_feed_validator | Validate CDON XML feeds |