Davetron5000's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1473-gliBuild command-suite CLI apps that are awesome. Bootstrap your app, add commands, optio...
24,276-methadoneMethadone provides a lot of small but useful features for developing a command-line app...
38,043-confidence-checkAssert that the conditions of your test are correct before testing
431,089-trac4rBasic ruby client library and command line interface for accessing Trac instances via i...
537,465-moocowBasic ruby client library for accessing Remember The Milk via their API
638,506-clean_testYou can easily make your plain Ruby Test::Unit test cases clean and clear with Given/Wh...
740,209-test_unit-givenWe don't need no stinkin' RSpec! Get all the fluency you want in your Test::Unit tests...
841,731-tricksterMake aweomse technical presentation with big fonts that size to fit, and awesome syntax...
943,475-endicia_rubyWrapper around Endicia's APIs
1046,777-bookingitWrite a code-heavy book in Markdown
1148,256-awesome-cliThe gem for Build Awesome Command-Line Applications with Ruby
1261,305-crazylegsCouldn't get two-legged OAuth working from existing Ruby libs, so this implements it "b...
1366,858-hlTo help with reading the results of grep without further reducing the output, hl will h...
1480,732-prag_eventsprag_events generates the XML format that Michael Swaine uses when creating the "events...
1584,568-hacerThis is an extremely simple API for creating and managing todo lists. The todo list is...
16106,804-with_cluesTemporarily add context to failing tests to get more information, such as what HTML was...
17111,341-optparse-plusOptparsePlus provides a lot of small but useful features for developing a command-line ...
18115,819-log_methodA nice log method for your Rails app that provides a ton of useful context in each mess...
19122,670-karelThis is a ruby implementation of Karel The Robot, a programming language designed for ...
20127,865-tachyonscss-railsUse Tachyons in the Rails Asset Pipeline
21133,525-webpack2-railsProduction-tested, JavaScript-first tooling to use Webpack 2 within your Rails application
22138,172-hkA description of your project
23150,110-trace_idSmall class and helpers to manage a request id from web to service calls to background ...
24159,427-usesDeclare that one classes uses an instance of another to help your code be a bit more su...
25175,232-rspec_test_dataCreate complex sets of test data using factories to allow re-use across tests or in see...