Pyama's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,4897,816yaoYAO is a Yet Another OpenStack API Wrapper that rocks!!
212,33630,828pecopenstack vm booter.
320,04723,720popperemail notification tool
424,91250,918kanameIdentity configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition into Ke...
525,53830,828kakineSecurity Group configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition i...
625,58191,437lolpSimple ruby wrapper for Lolipop! API.
727,05350,918amcommand note command.
828,28391,437malshmackerel tools.
929,38923,720perotool for puppet apply from our desktop.
1030,76950,918mackerel-rbYet another mackerel client for Ruby.
1131,72591,437grankget google pagerank
1263,68791,437naminoriLoadbarancer library on Serf.
1364,90591,437macklogmackerel log watch plugin
1467,47091,437furikA summary generator of GitHub activity for retrospective.
1571,33691,437talentio-notifiernofity command for talentio.
1698,35291,437pinjectdetect os your docker image and update os pakaces.
17101,52891,437wazuh-rbWazuh client for Ruby.
18104,01691,437embulk-input-prometheusLoads records from Prometheus.
19156,36591,437pyama-campI want to Go camping.
20170,02891,437ruboty-typetalktypetalk rubyty adapter.