Sealink's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,20126,546activerecord_null_objectImplements the Null Object Pattern for nil values in ActiveRecord associations.
219,03637,467quicktravel_clientFor integrating with QuickTravel API
323,53191,437pansophyPansophy allows different applications to share knowledgevia a centralised remote repos...
424,85691,437yamloadYAML files loader with validation
527,11850,918rails_core_extensionsSet of extensions to core rails libraries.
627,77750,918timelySet of time, date, weekday related methods.
731,81913,285inferred_crumpetsAutomatic breadcrumbs for Rails.
835,72191,437synchronised_migrationUse Redis to record the data migration status
936,52591,437sensitive_data_filterA Rack Middleware level filter for sensitive data
1037,63726,546background_workerSee README for full details
1138,94391,437production_toolkitIntegrate production gems for high quality projects.
1245,06891,437lagomorphLagomorph is a mammal of the order Lagomorpha, which comprises the hares, rabbits, and ...
1346,58120,168dependent_restrictThis gem is not needed in Rails 3 as dependent => :raise is included in 3.0.
1449,12450,918money_extensionsThese are extensions from the money/currency classes.
1551,64723,720dependent_protectThis gem is not needed in Rails 3 as dependent => :raise is included in 3.0.
1654,05291,437pansophy_authenticatorBy configuring a set of applications authentication keys in a filestored in an S3 bucke...
1755,43691,437input_readerCommand line helpers to read input of various types, confirm, etc.
1858,44391,437ruby_core_extensionsThese are extensions from core ruby classes.
1958,95226,546barcodeSimple classes for creating barcodes.
2060,13550,918active_settingSee README for full details on how to install, use, etc.
2163,68291,437table_creatorSee README for full details on how to install, use, etc.
2265,06991,437sealink-param-validationSimple validation of params with a concern
2366,05891,437queryable_collectionAllows the caller to define a queryable collection of elements and the attributes that ...
2469,08491,437s3-toolkitSimple tools to download contents of s3 buckets when the aws cli is to big a dependency...
2570,54891,437right_onThis helps systems manage rights and roles on a controller/action basis.
2673,98791,437radiant-ecom_engine-extensionIntegrate ecom engine with radiant
2776,26526,546coverage-kitHelper to setup good coverage for tests
2881,83930,828calendarifficThis gems provides some helpers for ActionView to make creating calendar helpers in...
2988,58391,437offsite_payments_migsThis gem extends the activemerchant offsite_payments gem providing integration of MiGS.
3096,53191,437rails_4_backportsBackports of rails 4 functionality, such as find_by and secrets.
3197,72426,546humanized_idHumanizedId can be used to generate (or convert an existing id to) a human friendly id
32100,97426,546cancanrightDatabase driven rules for CanCan
33105,53791,437offsite_payments_poli_payThis gem extends the activemerchant offsite_payments gem providing integration of PoliPay.
34114,02691,437gruf-rollbarAutomatically report gruf failures as rollbar errors
35117,06191,437tenants_helperTenantsHelper provides a centralised way of defining, querying andvalidating tenants.
36155,98191,437deploy_awsDeploys from current Git repo to AWS EB or S3 (via node)
37158,66750,918docker-eb-deployTag the Git repo for Docker Hub to build the image for Elastic Beanstalk
38174,33791,437offsite_payments_latipayThis gem extends the activemerchant offsite_payments gem providing integration of Latipay.