#901's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,11011,340facebook_adsThis gem allows to easily manage your Facebook ads via Facebook's Marketing API in ruby.
217,30868,625payoneer-clientPayoneer SDK for ruby.
342,51127,706duostackDuostack command line client: create and manage Duostack apps
453,43968,625webhookr-recurlyA webhookr extension to support Recurly webhooks.
564,43368,625geokit-geoip-providerGeoIP provider for geokit gem
676,48668,625image_tag_with_sane_altPrevents default Rails behavior for image_tag alt text (uses the file name, which can b...
783,95568,625ringcentralA Ruby library for interacting with the RingCentral RingOut API and FaxOut API.
8108,35268,625log_elapsed_timeQuick and easy way to log the time it takes code to run.
9110,50968,625geokit-liteA couple methods extracted from Geokit and Geokit Rails
10112,66442,281backbone-fetch-eventCode by Tim Branyen (http://tbranyen.com/post/how-to-indicate-backbone-fetch-progress)....
11124,75968,625tfe-phonePhone number parsing, validation and formatting.
12125,32368,625tfe-cache-moneyCache utilities.
13125,66468,625tfe-broachRuby implementation of 37signal's Campfire API.
14126,33768,625tfe-pox_paginateTransparent support for pagination using WillPaginate with POX (Plain Old Xml) and Acti...
15126,58468,625tfe-cloudfilesA Ruby version of the Rackspace Cloud Files API.
16127,24068,625tfe-remotipartRemotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uplo...