Stitchfix's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9463,632immutable-structEasily create value objects without the pain of Ruby's Struct (or its setters)
27,52630,156pwwkaThe purpose of this gem is to normalise the sending and receiving of messages between...
310,62976,031resqutilsUtilities for using Resque in a Rails app
411,67222,323fittingsimplement custom keys independently of environment
512,62735,654stitchesYou'll be in stitches at how easy it is to create a service at Stitch Fix
616,95914,778merch_calendarUtility for manipulating dates within a 4-5-4 retail calendar
720,33728,629extra_extraProvides a simple way to include and manage release notes for internal applications by ...
843,47726,648endicia_rubyWrapper around Endicia's APIs
954,95976,031tech_radarRails engine to create and manage your own team's Technology Radar
1099,66476,031aws_elb_health_checkRails engine to provide a healthcheck suitable for AWS ELBs
11172,07676,031redis_ui_railsA drop-in Rails UI for Redis.