Dmolesuc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4131,668ruby-enumEnum-like behavior for Ruby.
211,77314,275typesafe_enumA gem that implements the typesafe enum pattern in Ruby
318,50250,918datacite-mappingA gem for working with the Datacite XML format
418,60215,158xml-mapping_extensionsMapping nodes and other utility classes extending XML::Mapping
524,36115,158resyncA Ruby gem for working with the ResourceSync web synchronization framework
625,62591,437resync-clientA Ruby client for the ResourceSync web synchronization framework
737,30091,437stash-wrapperA gem for working with the Stash wrapper XML format
838,34516,356config-factoryA gem for creating configuration classes using the Abstract Factory pattern, with run-t...
944,39526,546merritt-manifestA library for creating Merritt text-based manifests (a specialization of the Checkm tex...
1059,56617,899berkeley_library-loggingA gem providing shared logging code for UC Berkeley Library gems and Rails applications
1161,20991,437stash-swordA minimal SWORD 2.0 connector providing those features needed for Stash
1279,12237,467berkeley_library-utilA collection of miscellaneous Ruby routines for the UC Berkeley Library.
1384,51437,467berkeley_library-almaA gem providing Alma/Primo-related utility code for the UC Berkeley Library
1493,68537,467berkeley_library-marcA gem providing MARC-related utility code and extensions to ruby-marc for the UC Berkel...
1597,05391,437stash-merrittPackaging and SWORD deposit module for submitting Stash datasets to Merritt
1699,37850,918ruby-marc-specAn implementation of the MARCspec query language for Ruby and ruby-marc
17141,40750,918text-checkmA Ruby implementation of the Checkm checksum-based text manifest format
18159,75291,437stash_ezid_datacitevery basic EZID ID creation/updating
19159,83991,437mrt-tind-harvesterHarvests TIND OAI-PMH feed to identify files for ingest into Merritt
20165,61850,918berkeley_library-holdingsA collection of holdings-related utilities for the UC Berkeley Library
21176,04526,546berkeley_library-av-coreGem for UC Berkeley Library shared audio/video code