Coldog's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,973121,991pages_cmsPages CMS uses nested forms and draggable items to allow the user to build a site withi...
256,126121,991graphql-apiRails graphql framework.
356,31941,082sudoku_builderCreate a sudoku puzzle, and solve others with ease!
482,555121,991jobs-apiJob api server
586,08262,344csvdbObject relational mapping for CSV files. Holds the entire database as a table of rows i...
693,98254,433simpleci-cliSimpleCI Cli
795,05754,433simpleci-workerDatabase based job execution. Rails independent.
8104,12789,964oauth2_railsOauth2 Rails based client for Fitbit specifically.
9145,68989,964test_simpleVery simple testing gem.
10153,53089,964stat_sugarGet methods like sum, average, standard deviation and more applied to arrays.
11160,386121,991fort_ci-workerDatabase based job execution. Rails independent.