1 | 4,301 | 5,058 | rlp | A Ruby implementation of Ethereum's Recursive Length Prefix encoding (RLP). |
2 | 11,736 | 8,569 | ruby-pinyin | Pinyin is a romanization system (phonemic notation) of Chinese characters, this gem hel... |
3 | 14,416 | 76,031 | bitcoin-secp256k1 | Ruby binding to bitcoin's secp256k1 implementation. |
4 | 19,242 | 76,031 | ruby-ethereum | Ethereum's implementation in ruby. |
5 | 19,750 | 76,031 | block_logger | A convenient logger. |
6 | 20,701 | 45,533 | ethash | Ethash is Ethereum's mining algorithm. |
7 | 33,897 | 76,031 | omniauth-http-basic | HTTP Basic strategies for OmniAuth. |
8 | 40,022 | 76,031 | rails_admin_jcrop | Jcrop plugin for rails admin. Image cropping made easy! |
9 | 62,948 | 35,654 | chardet2 | Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby, compatible with 1.9/2.0. Base on Mark Pilgri... |
10 | 73,091 | 76,031 | serpent | Serpent is a Python style smart contract language. |
11 | 73,710 | 76,031 | ruby-codegraph | Use codegraph to generate all kinds of graphviz graphs for you code, to visualize thing... |
12 | 81,052 | 35,654 | devp2p | DEVp2p aims to provide a lightweight abstraction layer that provides these low-level al... |
13 | 96,510 | 76,031 | omniauth-broadworks | Broadworks strategy for OmniAuth. |
14 | 129,418 | 76,031 | teth | Teth is a Ethereum smart contract test framework in ruby. It provides two testing envir... |
15 | 150,163 | 76,031 | reth | A ethereum full node written in ruby. |
16 | 157,098 | 56,059 | factom-ruby | Ruby client consumes Factom (factom.org) API. |