Rubysamurai's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,5024,457query_countSQL queries counter for Rails apps
29,66335,654material_design_lite-sassGoogle's Material Design Lite with Material Icons and Roboto for Sass powered applications
313,11045,533mui-sassMUI is a lightweight framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines
416,35135,654material_components_web-sassMaterial Components for the web (MDC-Web) with Material Icons and Roboto font for Sass ...
527,42445,533purecss-sassPure CSS framework, converted to Sass
647,16719,646cryptologySymmetric encryption and decryption with OpenSSL
761,47576,031meta-railsMeta tags helpers for search engine optimization of Rails application
883,52976,031seo_rails_helpersRails view helpers for search engine optimization (SEO)