Trustarts's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,60914,294trusty-cmsTrustyCms is a simple and powerful publishing system designed for small teams. It is bu...
217,85976,031trusty-clipped-extensionAsset-management derived from Keith Bingman's Paperclipped extension.
320,71176,031trusty-rad-social-extensionMakes Trusty CMS better by adding rad_social!
423,77956,059trusty-multi-site-extensionExtends Trusty CMS Layouts to support multiple sites, defined by domain
531,76456,059trusty-snippets-extensionMakes Trusty better by adding snippets!
635,03856,059trusty-layouts-extensionExtends Trusty CMS Layouts to support nesting, sharing with Rails Controllers and rende...
737,92876,031trusty-reorder-extensionExtends Trusty CMS to allow page ordering
844,16876,031trustygemsStandaridizing gem deploy commands, regardless of destination.
964,48533, provides access to all events through cAPI, and capitan can get th...
1089,11856,059trusty_google_custom_searchProvides access to google custom search that can be integrated with a website.
11145,44176,031sass-rails3Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.