1 | 14,833 | 9,495 | rails-route-checker | A linting tool that helps you find any routes defined in your routes.rb file that don't... |
2 | 20,634 | 13,031 | kounta_rest | Library for accessing Kounta's RESTful API |
3 | 22,175 | 10,806 | entangler | Two way file syncer using platform native notify. |
4 | 25,954 | 15,158 | where_is | A little Ruby gem for finding the source location where class and methods are defined. |
5 | 45,799 | 26,546 | benchmark_to_js | Benchmarks content in views and logs times to the Javascript console. |
6 | 53,771 | 21,676 | migration_signature | A small Rails utility to ensure all migration files have been tested before they are co... |
7 | 80,244 | 50,918 | controller_action_hud | HUD to show current controller and action |
8 | 99,563 | 91,437 | uva-tools | Set of UVa Online tools |
9 | 108,799 | 37,467 | rails_console_commands | Run rake/rails and test commands through the console |
10 | 112,442 | 50,918 | ar_schema_functions | Populate schema.rb with stored SQL functions |
11 | 126,780 | 91,437 | lib_ruby_diff | Ruby bindings for librsync signature generation, patch generation, and patch applicatio... |
12 | 131,335 | 26,546 | fast_filter | Native Ruby extension to filter a list quickly. |
13 | 132,720 | 37,467 | stamp-l10n | Uses Rails Internationalization to bring stamp to all locales. |
14 | 152,490 | 50,918 | dnd-namer | Random item and Heroku-ish name generator that uses D&D classes and races. |
15 | 159,009 | 50,918 | git_stashout | Git tool that stashes, checks-out, then unstashes. |
16 | 160,544 | 50,918 | greiner_hormann | Polygon clipping using Greiner-Hormann algorithm. |
17 | 161,328 | 91,437 | rust_watcher | Ruby bindings for rsnotify, a cross-platform file watching utility written in Rust. |