1 | 43,559 | 76,031 | vispan | Visualize processes with simple syntax and multiple output formats |
2 | 57,258 | 76,031 | mountable_file_server | Simple mountable server that handles file uploads |
3 | 99,184 | 40,711 | erde | Generate good looking Entity-Relationship-Diagrams from text files or a PostgreSQL data... |
4 | 99,698 | 76,031 | mountable_image_server | Simple mountable server for processing images on the fly. |
5 | 139,984 | 76,031 | stravid-fraction | Easy to use fraction value object. |
6 | 148,091 | 45,533 | edgycircle_kommando | Command architecture building blocks. |
7 | 160,352 | 56,059 | edgycircle_toolbox | A loose collection of Ruby related code that currently has specific place to live in. |