Bwilczek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,587-motoLightweight framework for functional testing. Supports threading, scenario parametrizat...
230,062-watir_pumpPage Object pattern for Watir. Hacker friendly and enterprise ready.
381,349-json2propertiesSimple converted from JSON to Java properties
483,458-moto_web_engineThis application acts as a REST service to store in the database execution results prod...
595,837-vfr_utilsThis gem provides set of classes and a CLI for obtaining information like NOTAM, METAR ...
6116,685-radagastUse docker swarm and rabbitmq to distribute tasks. \ Designed for faster test execu...
7161,764-seeyoucupA library to work with SeeYou CUP files
8171,798-simple_assertSimple utility that can replace rspec for really small apps
9173,388-dcuiDocker Compose Web UI