Pocke's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,571952rubocop-rakeA RuboCop plugin for Rake
25,8525,277mryRuboCop has many breaking changes between releases. This tool migrates your RuboCop...
36,0777,393rubocop-rubycwIntegrate RuboCop and ruby -cw
47,5723,745rbs_railsA RBS files generator for Rails application
58,12011,290expeditorExpeditor provides asynchronous execution and fault tolerance for microservices
68,58089,538miMi is a generator of migration file instead of `rails generate migration`.
712,87558,808the_garageGarage extends your RESTful, Hypermedia APIs as a Platform
821,08658,808stackprof-runRun a ruby script with stackprof.
924,84489,538exception_notification-bugsnagSend exception info to Bugsnag.
1024,85189,538rprRPR displays Ruby's AST on command line.
1128,62489,538gryGry generates `.rubocop.yml` automatically from your source code.
1344,12889,538iroA library for syntax highlighter. It is based Ripper.
1464,22189,538rubocop-definition_validatorThis tool detects omission of modification of callers when the name of a method, number...
1566,59658,808rubocop-extension-generatorA generator of RuboCop's custom cops gem
1672,62425,774merge_db_schemaIt is a git merge driver for db/schema.rb of Ruby on Rails. It resolves some of the con...
1773,47289,538import.rbInstead of Kernel.require
1874,89228,086arpryExplore database without Rails
1975,33831,183akazaA cool Whitespace language implementation in Ruby.
2077,47489,538gem-src-srvRun `git clone` after `gem install` concurrently.
2181,01389,538nameroThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
2292,66640,337pry_testcaseRun binding.pry only specified testcase.
2392,90935,144custom_cops_generatorDEPRECATED: Use rubocop-extension-generator gem
24101,70489,538rubocop-rails-order_model_declarative_methodsSort declarative methods of Rails model, as an extension to RuboCop.
25105,27140,337ci_againstThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
26109,42489,538equireYou can forget `require`.
27110,67489,538overloaderOverload for Ruby. DO NOT USE THIS LIBRARY FOR PRODUCTION
29116,40289,538hatenikkiWrite nikki every day!
30122,70789,538todofukenCreate a master table of Japanese Prefectures for Rails
31123,96647,536turlThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
32127,61289,538rebirthThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
33128,55089,538dont_commentDo not comment out unused code, use version control system instead and remove it!
34128,73489,538itamae-plugin-resource-aur_packageAn Itamae resource for AUR (Arch User Repository)
35131,48589,538ruboty-ruremaSearch the Ruby Reference Manual via Ruboty
36132,19389,538flowtermString flows in a terminal
37133,45989,538mighty_jsonA faster implementation of soutaro/strong_json
38137,11289,538ppcliPPCLI is a CLI tool for pp.
39142,76689,538ruboty-fakerruboty give me a name
40148,18489,538rubocop-configuration_cleaner.rubocop.yml cleaner
41159,25189,538rinlineInline expansion for Ruby
43160,01547,536all-gemRun various versions of command provided by gem
44163,24789,538rubocop-brainfuckA Brainfuck interpreter implementation on RuboCop
45165,92589,538tmpgemTemporary gem installer
46168,69989,538pry-octokitpry ❤ octokit
47169,86089,538ramnagarThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
48170,41289,538renkonRange generator with Comparable
49171,76289,538ovto-routerOvto Router
50175,74640,337activerecord-originatorThis gem adds comments to the SQL to indicate where the SQL parts are constructed.
51176,47540,337graphql-coverageCoverage for GraphQL
52178,47489,538rubocop-grepIt is a RuboCop extension to define your own cop with regexps.