1 | 36,186 | 7,320 | aw_wkhtmltopdf | WKHTMLTOPDF binaries for GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS |
2 | 39,297 | 45,533 | pandoc_binary | Provides binaries for Pandoc |
3 | 69,538 | 76,031 | structured_logger | A structured logger with Ruby's Logger interface. |
4 | 92,519 | 76,031 | webg | webg: A downloader to get web page with JavaScript |
5 | 93,755 | 76,031 | rd2odt | RD(Ruby Document) to OpenDocument converter. |
6 | 101,973 | 56,059 | ltsv_logger | A logger implementation for LTSV format |
7 | 102,429 | 45,533 | vagrant-auto_ssh_config | A vagrant plugin for automatically generating ssh_config entry. |
8 | 104,352 | 56,059 | git-dust | A Git sub command for Dust Commits Workflow. |
9 | 116,226 | 76,031 | itamae-plugin-resource-alternatives | Itamae resource plugin to manage "update-alternatives". |
10 | 135,270 | 23,418 | dpu | determine permanent URI |
11 | 143,276 | 76,031 | rabbit-slide-nishidayuya-kunibikirb07-git-cococo | git cococoの説明とRailsアプリケーション開発で使われる場面を説明します. |
12 | 149,057 | 76,031 | rabbit-slide-nishidayuya-matsuerubykaigi05 | 使っていて便利だったCookbookの紹介です. |
13 | 151,768 | 76,031 | rabbit-slide-nishidayuya-nacl79 | 社内勉強会でメモ環境について話し合ったときに冒頭で話した自分のメモ環境の説明です. |
14 | 157,422 | 76,031 | synclenote | A synchronization tool for GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) files and Evernote. |
15 | 169,241 | 76,031 | lslinks | A command line tool to list links. |
16 | 169,633 | 76,031 | img_to_pdf | A tool to create PDF from raster image. |
17 | 178,278 | 76,031 | rabbit-slide-nishidayuya-do_not_delete | [Redmine Japan Vol.3](https://redmine-japan.org/timetable/#b07-1) の発表資料
2023-07-07に開催された. |
18 | 178,899 | 76,031 | lnr | make hard links recursive |
19 | 180,280 | 45,533 | enr | An Evernote command program |
20 | 180,961 | 76,031 | rabbit-slide-nishidayuya-2023-09-16-matrk10-permanent_uri_and_dpu | 2023-09-16に開催された[松江Ruby会議10](https://matsue.rubyist.net/matrk10/)での発表資料
ソースコードを参照... |
21 | 182,192 | 45,533 | fdupes_parser | A parser for fdupes(1) result |