Dmitryzuev's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,7656,844rspec-testrailrspec-testrail help you update statuses in TestRail app
226,23563,432fish0Plugin for read-only content websites with MongoDB storage. Works pe...
343,34263,432jekyll-slimSlim html converter for Jekyll
488,58263,432sliqProcess template with Slim and Liquid afterwards.
5101,33363,432danger-readme_docsDanger plugin to validate sub README mention in main README file
6109,01163,432fog-artifactoryThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...
7118,63330,305edmond-danthesPrivate pub/sub messaging in Rails through Faye. More Faye features supported. Based on...
8141,14563,432clearance_omniauthOmniauth integration with Thoughtbot Clearance
9150,95363,432slim-jsxMake JSX templates with your favorite Slim template language
10180,25463,432guard-srbGuard::Srb automatically checks Ruby typing with Sorbet when files are modified.