Yhirano's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,5654,668active_admin_roleRole based authorization with CanCanCan for Active Admin
211,8808,769approvalApproval flow for Rails
315,581102,580rspec-validates_timelinessSimple RSpec matchers for validates_timeliness
427,81357,074trace_locationTraceLocation helps you get tracing the source location of codes, and helps you can get...
529,873102,580active_admin_menumanage menu with YAML for Active Admin
644,417102,580activerecord-explainerThis gem automatically logs SQL EXPLAIN of every queries. You can check naturally every...
745,402102,580active_admin_versioningGood for auditing or versioning for Active Admin
852,563102,580table_helpProvide helper methods to build collection or resource tables for Rails 5
959,49331,698i18n-objectI18n::Object provides you can get to use wrapper classes for easy handling/testing of I...
1068,113102,580b_b(b_b) is SQL Query Builder for Google BigQuery
1176,129102,580apple_musicApple Music API Client Ruby
1281,698102,580activerecord-autoscopeactiverecord-autoscope automatically add useful scopes
1382,094102,580poro-railsThis gem provides generators of Plain Old Ruby Objects, Form Objects, and Service Objec...
1483,23935,669genkanGenkan is authentication engine for Rails
15109,18247,447enjaEasy role definition. Supported by the enumerize gem for Rails.
16112,223102,580pubsub_notifierPub/Sub Notifier for Ruby on Rails
17122,030102,580banken-dslThis plugin gives directly define query methods to the controller for a Banken loyalty ...
18126,981102,580toleranceRegards all typo as tolerance
19138,850102,580stateful_field_forProvide the bang and predicate methods for Active Record
20144,293102,580paper_boyAutomatically deliver notifications to subscribers from controllers.
21152,833102,580active_admin_csv_with_bomGenerate csv with byte order mark for Active Admin
22157,43372,252json_schema_helperjson schema helper
23158,04172,252factory_girl_webA web interface for factory_girl
24159,623102,580timecop_webA web interface for timecop
25176,94247,447bundler-rbs-collectionExecute rbs collection command after bundle