Westonganger's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7582,014paper_trail-association_trackingPlugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations
22,3682,135protected_attributes_continuedProtect attributes from mass assignment
33,3073,829axlsx_stylerBuild clean and maintainable styles for your axlsx spreadsheets. Build your spreadsheee...
43,3132,847prawn-railsPrawn Handler for Rails. Handles and registers pdf formats.
54,6024,830rodfODF generation library for Ruby
64,7934,863spreadsheet_architectSpreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsh...
719,4837,105active_snapshotDead simple snapshot versioning for ActiveRecord models and associations.
830,27112,214paperclip_utilsHelper class for easier dynamic processors and styles on your Paperclip uploads
940,41913,373rearmed_railsA collection of helpful methods and monkey patches for Rails
1041,98715,535rearmedA collection of helpful methods and monkey patches for Objects, Strings, Enumerables, A...
1175,43515,535active_sort_orderThe "easy-peasy" dynamic sorting pattern for ActiveRecord that your Rails apps deserve.
12101,30220,415active_record_simple_executeSanitize and Execute your raw SQL queries in ActiveRecord and Rails with a much more in...
13112,93221,637capistrano-precompile-chooserCapistrano plugin to precompile your Rails assets locally, remotely, or not at all prov...
14131,79828,457minitest_change_assertionsProvides assertions for your Minitest suite to determine if an object has been changed.
15159,74432,343sexy_formDead simple HTML form builder for Ruby with built-in support for many popular UI librar...
16163,46432,343rails_nestable_layoutsDead simple nested layouts for Rails
17174,06532,343simple_assetsDead simple HTML-based assets helper for Ruby. The main idea here is to promote re-usab...
18175,62628,457rails_i18n_managerWeb interface to manage i18n translations for your apps to facilitate the editors of yo...
19176,44923,274accepts_nested_attributes_for_public_idA patch for Rails to support using a public ID column instead of ID for use with accept...
20178,99732,343pairerRails app/engine to Easily rotate and keep track of working pairs