Franzliedke's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9564,438rails-timeagoA Rails Helper to create time tags usable for jQuery Timeago plugin
26,32010,338acfsAPI Client For Services
37,4753,809rack-link_headersEasy Link header management for rack responses.
48,0125,137msgrMsgr: Rails-like Messaging Framework
58,4623,846paginate-responderA Rails pagination responder with link header support.
69,0305,039telegrafMetric Reporter to local telegraf agent
79,3774,889restifyAn experimental hypermedia REST client that uses parallel, keep-alive and pipelined req...
811,6085,200rails-rfc6570Pragmatical access to your Rails routes as RFC6570 URI templates.
913,5435,236mnemosyne-rubyRuby/Rails client for Mnemosyne APM
1014,2675,467uuid4A UUIDv4 support library
1117,1825,480decorate-responderA Rails responder to decorate resources.
1218,76017,152gurkeAn alternative gherkin feature runner inspired by rspec and turnip.
1326,50416,675rake-releaseConfigurable fork of bundlers release tasks.
1433,41126,849multi_processHandle multiple child processes.
1537,623140,090deis_client[Deis]( is an open source application platform for public and private c...
1651,48537,677rubypathPath library incorporating File, Dir, Pathname, IO methods as well as a virtual mock fi...