521-540 of 1,062 results for search "sinatra"
Total Rank | Total Downloads | Name | Summary |
78,405 | 10,684 | wbzyl-sinatra-math | This gem contains four modular Sinatra applications: Pi, Euler, Sqrt2, Phi (golden rati... |
78,921 | 10,581 | sinatra-videoman | Sinatra video manager |
79,158 | 10,530 | sinatra-asterisk | Extension to Sinatra.rb to allow managing an Asterisk IPBX from the web application |
79,334 | 10,493 | sinatra-wechat | Provide extensible Sinatra API to support rapid Wechat development |
79,392 | 10,480 | capinatra | Quickly deploy Sinatra apps on Passenger |
79,415 | 10,476 | indicator_delcom | Sinatra app that drives the delcom indicator light |
79,509 | 10,456 | capistrano-sinatra-console | Remote sinatra console for capistrano |
79,669 | 10,424 | auto-hyde | A simple sinatra app exposing a url for github post-receive hooks to hit and trigger a ... |
79,807 | 10,401 | badboy-jabbot | Simple framework for creating Jabber/MUC bots, inspired by Sinatra and Twibot |
79,829 | 10,397 | wd_sinatra_active_record | Basics to use ActiveRecord with WD Sinatra. |
79,963 | 10,369 | mayday-framework | A minimal JSON REST API framework created upon Sinatra and some Rails components. |
80,144 | 10,338 | sinatra-browserid | Sinatra extension for user authentication with browserid.org |
80,149 | 10,337 | r509-ocsp-responder | A ruby OCSP responder using Sinatra and redis. RFC 2560 and 5019 compliant. |
80,362 | 10,295 | rails_mini | Gem Rails like Sinatra |
80,398 | 10,288 | dogstatsd-instrumentation | Processes relevant ActiveSupport::Notifications from Rails, Sinatra and Rake applicatio... |
80,510 | 10,265 | mongo_fe | A simple Sinatra based web front-end that can be used for experimenting and learning Mo... |
80,575 | 10,252 | apple_push | Sinatra-based server to deliver Apple Push Notifications |
80,660 | 10,234 | sinatra-statistics | a statistics extension for sinatra. |
80,669 | 10,231 | rails_db_browser | Simple sinatra Rack application that allowes to run sql queries from a web page. Usable... |
80,738 | 10,217 | sinatra-mongoid | Like a blind date for the nastiest Ruby Mongo ORM and web framework. |