541-560 of 1,086 results for search "jekyll theme"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
118,2885,222jekyll-theme-katydecorahJekyll theme for katydecorah.com
118,5825,192masapico_01Jekyll theme for myself.
118,7615,174oinam-jekyllA simple, clean, and minimal Jekyll Theme.
118,9025,160devme-jekyll-themeBootstrap Jekyll Theme
119,2485,128summoner-jekyll-themeMy custom jekyll theme for https://summoning.net/.
120,1125,043dark-minimaA dark version of the default theme Minima of Jekyll.
120,3295,020jekyll-theme-hydeHyde is a brazen two-column Jekyll theme that pairs a prominent sidebar with uncomplica...
120,5684,999apricoA Jekyll theme for apricis.github.io
120,7814,979tufte-crossref-jekyllA Jekyll theme based on jez/tufte-pandoc-jekyll with support for Pandoc-Crossref
120,9394,963aminimaUsing AMP, aminimal theme for Jekyll.
121,0804,949jekyll-cv-themeSimple Resume/CV Jekyll theme using Material Design guidelines
121,1874,940ondrejsika-jekyll-theme-exampleExample Ondrej Sika's Jekyll theme
121,1874,940jekyll-theme-abd3lraoufChirpy is a minimal, sidebar, responsive web design Jekyll theme that focuses on text p...
121,2534,934jekyll-theme-adobe-hydeJekyll theme to use with Hyde C++ documentation system.
121,6094,900rebuild-themeA basic theme for Jekyll. Heavily rooted in the base minima theme.
121,6224,899minima-scholarAn academic extension to the Jekyll default theme
121,6284,898wax_themeJekyll gem theme for Minicomp/Wax
121,6504,896materialized-jekyllThis is a Jekyll theme built on top of minima and inspired by materialize-sass.
121,7004,891shibui-jekyllMinimalist jekyll theme - no tracking, no bullshit
121,9804,868atomic-jekyll-themeJekyll theme for simple blogs