961-980 of 1,062 results for search "sinatra"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
147,7623,470vast-sinatra-xsendfileX-SendFile helpers for Sinatra
147,9193,464newrelic-daybreakA simple redis backed cache for Sinatra
147,9193,464frankyGenerates a Sinatra project containing only necessary files
148,1043,456nakajima-sinatra-flashFlash hash implementation for Sinatra
148,1623,454kusor-sinatra_mailerSinatra::Mailer extension extracted from Merb::Mailer by Nicolás Sanguinetti.
148,1843,453kematzy-sinatra-ie6nomore'IE6 No More' Sinatra Extension to make the eradication of IE6 easier
148,2163,452integrity-sinatra-authorizationHTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra.
148,4273,444lenary-ginatraHost your own git repository browser through the power of Sinatra and Grit
148,5163,441kissifer-sinatra-options-routeProvides a DSL-level options_route method for catching HTTP OPTIONS method in a request
148,5933,438mrflip-frankieEasy creation of Facebook applications in Ruby using plugin for Sinatra web framework t...
148,6473,436snipsnap-extensionsSinatra Extensions for SnipSnap
149,0383,422sweetsinatraThis gems will help you generate Sinatra Skeleton and CRUD Scaffold.
149,4823,408kschrader-sinatra-cacheSimple Page Caching for Sinatra [www.sinatrarb.com]
149,4823,408subakva-bourbonLiquid support for Sinatra
149,4823,408myhelperAll the helpers and thingies that are needed for my sinatra apps
149,6063,404openrain-bong-log-viewerSinatra application for viewing/comparing logs created by http://github.com/topfunky/bong
149,8793,396ralyxa-lambdaA Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa. Designed to work with Sinatra, alth...
150,0103,392twilson63-sinatra-squirrelPort of Thought Bot Squirrel to Sinatra
150,0103,392sinatra-aceSinatra Extension for ACE(Aws Compatible Environment)
150,4013,379toolmantim-sinatra-content-forSmall Sinatra extension to add a content_for helper similar to Rails'