1001-1020 of 1,085 results for search "jekyll theme"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
176,9751,142zikode-jekyll-themeA Jekyll theme designed to be a starting point for my Jekyll websites.
176,9821,140jekyll-dictionariesA Jekyll theme plugin to generate JSON dictionaries for language learning applications
177,0001,135DevSculptorA full-featured, Github-Pages compatible, Jekyll blog theme tailored to software devs t...
177,0191,131just-the-hm-docsA modern, highly customizable, and responsive Jekyll theme for documentation with built...
177,2921,070reverses-themeJekyll theme for Reverses.
177,3961,050artisticartistic is minimal and usable jekyll theme.
177,5591,019mediumishA beautiful, mediumish theme for Jekyll.
177,6121,007CV-PortfolioA Jekyll Theme Build for Developer Profile.
177,652997jekyll-theme-apcspThis is CS50's theme for Jekyll.
177,670994consoloA console-inspired jekyll theme for personal blogs and websites. Improved/expanded fork...
177,684992jekyll-ipaIPA plugin to go with the Jekyll PaperWiki theme.
177,874958jbritain-jekyll-theme%q{Jekyll theme for my website}
177,887956jekyll-theme-bearblogA Jekyll theme based on Bear Blog. Free, non-nonsense, super-fast blogging
177,910951rip-themeJekyll theme to commemorate your loved ones.
177,945945jekyll-theme-unityMaterial 3 is a design language developed by Google in 2014.
178,010934rebbleJekyll theme for Rebble stuff
178,125914jekyll-rubin-collab-themeA beautiful and easy-to-use Jekyll theme for Rubin LSST Science Collaborations.
178,129913jekyll-baseJekyll Base is a a simple gem to replace the minima theme. It includes Bootstrap v5.3 a...
178,129913nimmoia soft Jekyll theme for simple sites
178,146910cutieA really cute Jekyll theme