1-20 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total Rank | Total Downloads | Name | Summary |
380 | 98,037,179 | guard-compat | Helps creating valid Guard plugins and testing them |
391 | 95,755,818 | guard-rspec | Guard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest). |
1,676 | 15,082,384 | guard-rubocop | Guard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified. |
1,823 | 12,258,755 | guard-livereload | Guard::LiveReload automatically reloads your browser when 'view' files are modified. |
2,068 | 8,950,114 | guard-bundler | Guard::Bundler automatically install/update your gem bundle when needed |
2,380 | 6,826,953 | guard-minitest | Guard::Minitest automatically run your tests with Minitest framework (much like autotest) |
2,896 | 4,383,695 | guard-rails | Restart Rails when things change in your app |
3,144 | 3,586,226 | guard-shell | Guard::Shell automatically runs shell commands when watched files are modified. |
3,281 | 3,227,832 | guard-spork | Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers. |
3,392 | 2,957,695 | guard-cucumber | Guard::Cucumber automatically run your features (much like autotest) |
3,820 | 2,270,023 | guard-rake | guard-rake automatically runs Rake tasks from your Rakefile |
3,987 | 1,997,876 | guard-spring | Guard::Spring automatically manages spring process. |
4,112 | 1,833,606 | guard-brakeman | Guard::Brakeman automatically scans your Rails app for vulnerabilities using the Brakem... |
4,650 | 1,364,685 | guard-sidekiq | Guard::Sidekiq automatically starts/stops/restarts sidekiq worker |
4,685 | 1,343,598 | guard-jasmine | Guard::Jasmine automatically tests your Jasmine specs on PhantomJS |
5,395 | 963,402 | guard-zeus | Guard::Zeus automatically manage zeus |
5,853 | 788,438 | guard-puma | Restart puma when files change |
6,095 | 715,137 | guard-coffeescript | Guard::CoffeeScript automatically generates your JavaScripts from your CoffeeScripts |
6,159 | 695,566 | guard-test | Guard::Test automatically run your tests on file modification. |
6,168 | 691,326 | guard-ctags-bundler | Guard::CtagsBundler uses ctags utility and generates 2 files: tags -- with tags generat... |