281-300 of 345 results for search "guard-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
126,1184,370guard-readme-on-githubPreview your README as if it's on github
126,1364,369guard-postWatch documents update, save them to MongoDB, MySQL, etc.
126,3344,357guard-minitest-decisivGuard::Minitest automatically run your tests with MiniTest framework (much like autotest)
127,1244,308guard-jetGuard::Jet automatically build your Jet app.
127,9254,255guard-hoganCompiles your Hogan mustache templates with Guard
128,1854,242guard-bustedGuard::Busted automatically run your specs
128,2234,240infochimps-guard-chefGuard::Chef allows to automatically & intelligently update roles, cookbooks, and databa...
128,4304,228guard-yamlChecks your YAML syntax. That's all.
128,9684,197guard-mustachejsCompiles mustache templates into a single .js file.
129,3434,176guard-python-unittestGuard for executing Python unit tests
129,4774,169mcmire-guard-minitestGuard::Minitest automatically run your tests with MiniTest framework (much like autotest)
130,2064,134guard-fixture_builderGuard for fixture_builder
130,4464,123guard-notifier-gntp_only-darwinMades Guard::Notifier::GNTP available only on Mac OS X (darwin)
131,3264,081guard-strainerWatch for changes in your chef-repo or cookbook and automatically run Strainer
131,8214,057guard-copy2A Guard plugin to watch and copy files
131,9624,050guard-elixirGuard::Elixir automatically runs Elixir 'mix' tests
132,0404,046guard-staticmaticWatches for changes in a staticmatic directory and fires build when they happen.
132,2634,035guard-mouchGuard::Mouch runs mouch's push automatically
132,2834,034guard-cocoapodsA guard plugin for CocoaPods.
132,5794,019guard-clockworkguard gem for clockwork