41-60 of 291 results for search "ruboty-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
71,18611,778ruboty-google_imageAn ruboty handler to search images from Google.
71,25811,757ruboty-evaluateRuboty handler to evaluate a command
72,10611,559ruboty-niftycloudManage NIFTYCloud via Ruboty
73,15011,338ruboty-boketeRuboty handler to get a bokete.
73,30411,307ruboty-virtual_name_cardRuboty plugin for virtual name card
73,67211,222ruboty-rokuyoruboty plugin for displaying rokuyo information
75,61010,810ruboty-scorekeeperruboty handler. increment decrement scorekeeper
76,37310,641ruboty-todoruboty handler to manger your todo list
77,34310,445ruboty-lgtmAn ruboty handler to generate lgtm image.
77,43310,429ruboty-slack_reaction_addedSlack reaction added extension for Ruboty
77,54710,407ruboty-bundlerRuboty plug-in to manage Gemfile on GitHub repository
77,89710,342ruboty-slack_take_turnsRuboty plugin to manage a duty that members in a slack channel take turns on
77,94110,332ruboty-capistranoRuboty plugin for deploy application via capistrano.
78,01910,317ruboty-github_pr_releaseManages a 'release pull request'
78,31110,258ruboty-issue_checkergithub issue check tool.
78,90310,134ruboty-gengenerators for creating ruboty plugin.
80,1469,890ruboty-trust_meruboty plugin for authenticate user by name.
80,2589,865ruboty-calendarDisplay Calendar for ruboty.
80,6859,776ruboty-github_assignorAssign GitHub issues automatically