61-80 of 1,059 results for search "sinatra"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
13,154131,936sinatra-twitter-bootstrapBootstrap Sinatra extension
13,239130,197angeloA Sinatra-like DSL for Reel that supports websockets and SSE
13,359128,003sinatra-hashfixChanges Sinatra params hash to use HashWithIndifferentAccess
13,429127,035sinatra-pagesA Sinatra extension for static pages rendering using the HAML rendering engine.
13,720122,496sinatra-cometioComet component for Sinatra RocketIO
14,313113,675rack-rscriptRack-Rscript is a light-weight alternative to Sinatra-Rscript.
14,592109,947cucumber-sinatraThis little gem will help you to initialize a cucumber environment for a sinatra applic...
14,666109,054skellingtonGenerate tedious Sinatra boilerplate like a boss
14,708108,382redis-sinatraRedis store for Sinatra
14,713108,355sinatra-helpersIncludes month_choices, year_choices, country_choices
14,742108,037smart_assetSmart asset packaging for Rails, Sinatra, and Stasis.
14,859106,680inployRails and Sinatra deployment made easy
15,025104,577sinatra_wardenbasic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing s...
15,032104,557sinatra-config-fileDummy gem, sinatra-config-file is now part of sinatra-contrib: http://www.sinatrarb.com...
15,066104,204sinatra-subdomainSeparate routes for subdomains on Sinatra
15,296101,627paper_trail-sinatraSinatra support for paper_trail
16,08593,456sinatra-websocketioWebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO
16,25591,818sinatra-simple-navigationA Sinatra extension to enable creating navigations with the simple-navigation gem. Also...
16,56189,002sinatra-respond_toA respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra
16,59788,696tailogSinatra App to serve log in browser