Authorization Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1594759punditObject oriented authorization for Rails applications
2611788cancancanSimple authorization solution for Rails. All permissions are stored in a single location.
32,1373,442authorityAuthority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very ...
43,0452,383action_policyAuthorization framework for Ruby/Rails application
54,52513,575declarative_authorizationdeclarative_authorization is a Rails plugin for maintainable authorization based on rea...
65,0703,881bankenBanken provides a set of helpers which restricts what resources a given user is allowed...
77,1216,298access-grantedRole based authorization gem
87,6399,268acl9Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails ap...
910,95417,354allowyAllowy provides CanCan-like way of checking permission but doesn't enforce a tight DSL ...
1010,97510,005petergateIf you like the straight forward and effective nature of Strong Parameters and suspect ...
1112,95040,310adeiaAn authorization gem for Rails that allows you to have the complete control of your app.
1222,88019,489action-guardauthorisation module of actions based on url-paths for usage in Rails and possibly othe...
1337,44340,310sudo_railsProtect any Rails action with password confirmation.
1454,30227,598authzAn opinionated almost-turnkey solution for managing authorization in Rails